- Hand Bells (except at Christmas, and only ½ performance)
- Xylophone (but what should I use for X in my ABC book?)
- Cymbals
- 12 String Guitar (MOAR STRINGS)
- Ukulele (unless its played by IZ)
- Hand harp
- Gong
- Piccolo
- Zither
- Triangle
- Clavicle Stroke (like a breast stroke but higher up)
- Bee (vibrate arms for forward movement)
- Moth Stroke (go to the brightest light)
- Beached Whale (lay on the side of the pool)
- Reverse Composite Side Stroke
- Dandelion Seed (Arms Only, Tucked Legs)
- Torpedo (Arms @ Side and Legs only)
- One Arm One Leg (Can only switch after doing flip turn)
- Life jacket seizure
- Helicopter stroke
- Play paperclips
- Reorganize your mailbox
- Deep clean your desk
- Make coffee
- Go to the bathroom
- (repeat 4 & 5 as unnecessary)
- Deep clean someone else's desk
- Water your desk plant (which is fake)
- Change your department's file structure (without telling anyone)
- Delete files on the company server that don't help you specifically.
- Find people online who don't like the company you work for and insult them, on behalf of the company.